Solo Exhibition
’Fluid Grammars’
02.10.22 - 08.01.23
Z33, House for Contemporary Art, Design & Architecture
This exhibition puts forward a selection of objects and paintings, emphasising the relations between different mediums and modes of representation.
The title -Fluid grammars- refers to a model of making in which the various references and mediums lose their rigidity as they are constantly in a transitional and interchangeable state. This results on the one hand, in an overturning of their referential direction, and on the other, consequentially, in providing a space for co-existence, communication and mediation. Apart from diverse art historical references, there is a focus on images, materials, and phenomena that are tainted by historic or contemporary biases, such as decoration, ornament, pastiche, and crafts. The inclusion of these imageries and aesthetics is indicative of a belief in art as a way to connect through engagement, rather than divide through categorisation.
TTSA Study (A Road Paved With Good Intentions), 2022
150,2 x 225 cm, Oil on Laminated Vynil
Photos by Selma Gurbuz
Untitled, 2018, Oil on Canvas, 30 x 40 cm
BZT CLM, 2019
Earthen ware, Ø: 21 H: 45 cm
Pivot , 2022, Oil on Canvas , 25 x 32 cm
Right: TTSA study (Pink tendencies), 2022
Oil on laminated Vinyl, 78 x 150 cm
In Counterpoise now ponders all events, 2022
Wood, Ceramics, Aluminum Fixture, 60 x 40 x 14 cm
Study for Dance, 2022,
Lustreglaze on Earthenware, 16 x 20,5 cm