TTSA Series

As translations of small pencil sketches these reliefs explore different methods of constructing a composition by using the ornament as structural elements. The carving can be seen as an extensive mode of drawing, resulting in matter.


TTSA #I, 2017, Rubber cast relief with wooden core, 82,5 x 136 x 6 cm

TTSA #I , Detail

TTSA #III, 2017, Rubber cast relief with wooden core, 82,5 x 136 x 6 cm

TTSA #III, 2017, Rubber cast relief with wooden core, 82,5 x 136 x 6 cm

TTSA #II, 2017, Rubber cast relief with wooden core, 82,5 x 136 x 6 cm

TTSA #II, 2017, Rubber cast relief with wooden core, 82,5 x 136 x 6 cm

TTSA #I, II, III, Studio view

TTSA #I, II, III, Studio view